Waste Water


ACO Maripur NF® - Advanced Wastewater Treatment Units

ACO Marine, a leading supplier of wastewater treatment technology to the maritime industry, has received Bureau Veritas (BV) type approval for its new ACO Maripur NF® sewage treatment system.
The BV tests confirm that ACO Marine’s next generation treatment plant meets the stringent performance requirements of IMO Resolution MEPC 227(64), which enters into force in January 2016.
BV confirms that the new treatment system goes beyond the new MEPC 227(64) standards to meet the revised discharge requirements, particularly Section 4.2.
The revision requires vessels with more than 12 passengers operating in IMO designated ‘special areas’ to reduce the phosphorous and nitrogen content of treated effluent. There is no mandate for this in the existing requirement.
Type-approval testing has verified that the ACO Maripur NF® can reduce Coliform Bacteria to 17.5 count/100ml [standard is 100 count/100ml], TSS to 2.4mg/l [standard is 35mg/l], BOD to 7.3mg/l [standard is 25mg/l], and COD to 60mg/l [standard is 125mg/l], while nitrogen and phosphorous content is significantly below the mandated levels of 20mg/l and 1mg/l at 7.2mg/l and 0.3mg/l respectively.
ACO Maripur NF® is the first BV type-approved waste water treatment system introduced to meet the new resolution. The new range is very simple to install as a newbuild or retrofit solution, making it a very attractive treatment option for owners and builders who require the operational flexibility to operate in all areas, including the IMO designated Special Areas.



ACO Clarimar MF® - Sewage Treatment Plants


IMO has adopted RESOLUTION MEPC.227(64) with revised guidelines for effluent standards and performance test procedures for sewage treatment plants.
These guidelines, adopted in October 2012, which supersede resolution MEPC.159(55), include the standards of section 4.2 that specifically apply to passenger ships operating in MARPOL Annex IV special areas and which intend to discharge treated sewage effluent into the sea.
The ACO Clarimar MF® range of sewage treatment plants are fully certified by Bureau Veritas (BV) to IMO MEPC.227(64) [excluding §4.2]. 
Manufacturing, Test and Quality Management are certified to ISO9001:2009 / ISO 9001:2008 and EC MED Module D.
The ACO Clarimar MF® biological sewage treatment plant incorporates ACO-MF filtration technology eliminating the requirement for settling and chlorination stages. Disinfection of the treated effluent is by in-line mounted UV lamp with no requirement for chemicals in any part of the ACO MF process.
The unique properties of the ACO ‘bio-sword’ allow operation with bio-mass concentrations in the activation chamber up to four times higher than those of conventional settling type sewage treatment plants. By operating at such high concentrations, a greatly reduced activation tank volume is achieved with a significant reduction in both the footprint and maintenance envelope requirement.




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